Watch Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis Of Evil Online Mic
All the Details and Secrets We Spotted in the Latest Star Wars The Last Jedi Footage. D2. 3 is upon us this weekend, and with it, a new behind the scenes glimpse at the next chapter in the Star Wars saga. But although the movie didnt offer us a full trailer, what we did get was still jam packed with little hints and clues as to whats to come for Luke, Leia, Rey, Finn, and Poe. The opening salvo of the reel gives us a few intriguing shots of sets, locations, and characters. Theres a great big rocky setwhich well see later is actually home to a massive pool of waterthe bridge of a Star Destroyer under construction, huts on Lukes new home of Ahch To, and rather spectacularly, Chewbacca getting his hair done. Some very slick looking speeders blanketed by the sun. Judging by some of the things we see later on in this reel, these appear to be for the glitzy streets of Canto Bight, a casino world that both Finn John Boyega and new character Rose Tico Kelly Marie Tran venture to at some point in the movie. A poor camera man gets doused in red soilmeaning that this is presumably Crait, the mineral planet from the first trailer and seemingly the site of a really major battle at some point in the film, judging by some of the characters well later see filming stuff on this new planet. Rey Daisy Ridley pops up from behind a camera, giving us a good look at the hairstyle so secret it somehowbecame a months long Star Wars rumor. Night on Ahch To. Luke would maybe invite Chewie to stay in his home, but apparently not, as the Wookiee goes solo camping with the Falcon. When hes not stealing Poes clothes, Finn seems like at some point hell be donning a Resistance pilot flight suit. Its not the orange of Poe and his fellow X Wing pilots, so maybe Finn suits up to use one of those big gunships we saw in the first trailers space battle. One of the most mysterious, intriguing shots of the whole reel is this one we see of General Leia the late, ever great Carrie Fisher. Shes not on a bridge of a Resistance ship as weve seen repeatedly already, but instead looking distraught on the grey, cracked surface of a planet. D23 is upon us this weekend, and with it, a new behindthescenes glimpse at the next chapter in the Star Wars saga. But although the movie didnt offer us a full. Watch Behind Enemy Lines Ii Axis Of Evil Online MichaelsWatch Behind Enemy Lines Ii Axis Of Evil Online MicrophoneIt doesnt quite look like Crait, and it doesnt look like what weve seen of Ahch To either, so could it be a new world altogether Our first look at a pivotal scene thats presumably from the earliest moments of the film, knowing that it picks up immediately after the end of The Force Awakens Rey returns the Skywalker family lightsaber to its former owner, Luke Mark Hamill. Kylo Ren Adam Driver goes business formal, keeping the helmet but ditching his pleated robes for a First Order officers tunic and a new, totally trying to be grandpa cloak. In fact, theres been a rumor that it might literally be Vaders cloak, so theres a possibility that poor Ben has gone full cosplay. Its finally here. The total solar eclipse that hasnt happened in the US since 1979, and wont happen again from coast to coast until 2045. But if you cant.
The location hes on looks very Death Star, but its likely Supreme Leader Snokes grand Star Destroyerreferred to in reports as a Mega Destroyerwhich weve heard is a pivotal location in the film. Heres a look at what Kylos staring at in the above shotwhich definitely looks like a big ass throne for Snoke to sit in, seemingly confirming this is the Mega Destroyer the First Orders leader calls home. A reverse look at that big explosion we see Poe Oscar Isaac and BB 8 run to in the first trailerone that gives us our first really good look at the A Wings, making their return to the franchise in both original red and Resistance WhiteBlue flavors. Look at these adorable little space heroesSure, its an isolated behind the scenes shot, but could it imply that all four of our young heroes will be meeting up in the film at some point We know at the very least a few will, thanks to some later shots in the reel. Our first look at a nasty looking new weapon for the Stormtroopers or at least a special version of them, given the new black shoulder pads. Previous reports described this clawed battlestaff as also being electrified, because the big spikey claws didnt quite look sinister enough as is. This gorgeous animatronic creature looks a little more The Last Guardian than The Last Jedi. The environment seems to match set pictures from filming for Canto Bight, some of the first pictures ever seen from filming and the gated, horse esque creature could be from a stable we recently heard of in a set report that Finn and Rose duck into during an elaborate chase sequence that ends up with them riding this creature, allegedly called a Falthier. Watch Disturbia HIGH Quality Definitons more. Look, I dont have anything to add here other than HOW COOL DOES THIS ICY WOLF LOOK A very tiny Casino staff member on Canto Bight prepares his space gambling table. The design is very reminiscent of Colonel Gascon from Clone Wars, who was from a diminutive race called the Zilkin. Our best look yet at Laura Derns mysterious new characterResistance Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. She might be sharing a warm greeting with General Organa here, but weve heard quite a few reports that she ends up playing a more antagonistic role despite being on the heros side. The internets boyfriend Poe Dameron takes his seat in a cockpitone that appears to be a cockpit of one of the Resistance Skimmers we saw gorgeously gliding across Craits salted surface in the first trailer. This seemingly innocuous shot of Chewie might come during a jokey sequence from John Boyega mocking director Rian Johnson, but note the environment hes on the Resistance ship bridge set weve seen Poe, Leia, and Finn all on as well. Given it doesnt appear that he instantly returns to the Resistance after dropping Rey on Ahch To, could he have come back with a few more passengers in tow when he eventually doesWe saw the very close up version of this in the trailer itself, but this wider shot gives us a better look at the fact that Rey is seemingly charging into battle on Ahch To. Theres been a report floating around forever about a major duel on the planet featuring Rey, Luke, Kylo Ren, and the Knights of Ren themselvescould those be the opponents shes running to meet here Heres a really good look at the full extent of the scar Rey gave Kylo Ren during their Force Awakens duel. Youll note, as we previously reported, Kylos scar has moved a couple inches to the side compared to where Rey actually slashed hima continuity bending choice by Rian Johnson because he thought the first scar placement looked goofy. Luke stands tall on Ahch To, but hes had a change of clothes from his white robes. What Was the Point of Marvels Secret Empire There was something very telling about Marvels decision this past Monday to announce to The New York Times how its Secret Empire event would end. It felt like the publisher was trying to get ahead of yet more problems coming from the series conclusion. Now that the final issue of its primary series is in stores today, we know thats rightand how thoroughly Secret Empire failed. The core concept that Marvels blond haired, blue eyed living symbol for American patriotism could actually be a sociopathic fascist with a plan to remake the world in his image was a disturbing one, to be sure. But Secret Empire had the potential to become an iconic story about the dangers of blindly buying into a dark, warped form of American exceptionalism that, given enough time, became the base ideology for Hydras oppressive, authoritarian society. Watch We Bought A Zoo Online. This potentially powerful storys importance was only further heightened by the major political events that defined 2. D list comic book supervillain managed to become President of the United States. Marvel insisted that Secret Empire wasnt meant to be a piece of political commentary, but the series launched at a time when its plot eerily echoed the social and political anxieties plaguing the country. Political or not, Secret Empire had every chance to become the kind of seminal story that defined what a flagship comic book event could be in the 2. But by Monday, when Marvel spoiled the ending to its own major comic book event, the writing was already on the wall Secret Empire was about to end poorly and damage control was necessary. Having read the issue, we can say that calling it a series of predictable, unfortunate, bad events is too charitable. Even if youre able to completely divorce yourself from the many controversies associated with Secret Empire, you cant deny the fact that todays issue 1. Or, at least, lazy and not at all the kind of well thought out issue a publisher would want to end an event with. After months of brutal battles and painful deaths, Earths mightiest heroes all finally get a chance to take on Steve Rogers himself, newly in possession of a nearly complete Cosmic Cube and a Hydra themed suit that allows him to harness its power. As the heroes all dive at Steve, more than prepared to bring the worlds suffering to an end, its obvious that even now Secret Empires more interested in shocking plot twists than trying to actually say or do anything interesting with its story. The Avengers, X Men, and Champions converge on Steve only to be effortlessly erased from existence because Steves wearing a suit thats literally powered by a macguffin. What are a few humanoids in spandex to a man with the ability to bend reality itself to his will But this is a comic book event, which means that the Good Guys have got to win, and theyve got to win thanks to a clever plan that nobody, not even a man with cosmic omniscience could see coming. After Steve erases all of the physical devastation hes inflicted upon the world, hes surprised by a visit from Sam Wilson, the current Captain America, who just so happens to have the final piece of the Cosmic Cube that would turn Steve into a god if he managed to get his hands on it. At this point in the story, theres nothing much that Sam can really do to fight Steve. Hes outgunned and his friends are all dead, so he does the sensible thing and bends the knee to Steve, offering his piece of the Cube as a show of good will. But its a trickThough the piece of the Cube is real, buried deep within it are Ant Man and Bucky Barnes, shrunken down so small that theyre in the microverse within the Cube itself which, it turns out, is a place weve seen before. All of the dreamy flashes to the land bathed in white where an amnesiac alt Steve has been encountering his friends and loved ones during all of Secret Empire Thats all happening inside the Cube where Kobika living embodiment of the Cubes powers whos taken the form of a little girlhas been hiding from the mess shes made of the world. Through some comics weirdness thats never adequately explained, Bucky travels into Kobiks pocket universe, grabs her and the Good Steve by the hand, and manages to make his way back into the larger universe all within a matter of seconds. While all of this is happening, Evil Steve is standing there like a moron, looking at his suit wondering why his god powers arent working anymore. Evil Steves horror at the fact that hes been outsmarted immediately intensifies when he comes face to face with Good Steve who, because of the way that the Cosmic Cube works, is now a real flesh and blood person. As Kobik undoes all of the changes to reality that Evil Steve made and the Avengers are resurrected, the two Steves face off Civil War style and proceed to beat the shit out of each other in classic comic book fashion. Im being rather glib about all of this because theres absolutely nothing about any of these sequences that at all feels novel or truly creative, especially when you consider the sorts of ideas that big comics events have tried to tackle in the past. No one watching the two Steves fight questions them or unpacks the symbolism of their clash, and that feels like a major mistake. Its a sorely missed opportunity for Spencer to at least try and have Secret Empires characters say something meaningful or lasting about Steve, a living concept at this point, and the ways that hes put them all through hell. Sure, one of these men is ostensibly supposed to be good and the other bad, but both of them are beings who wouldnt exist without the Cosmic Cube. Secret Empire wants you to feel as if Captain America is a person redeeming himself for the sins of his darker half, but in reality hes just a physical construct going through the narrative motions of a predicable heros narrative. Even that wouldnt be all that bad if it werent for the heavy handed, coded language of resistance scattered throughout the panels. Even though Secret Empire isnt about politics, multiple pages of the issue are dedicated to conveying the basic idea that pseudo Nazism Hydra are Nazis deal with it is bad and that punching a Hydra figurehead is a good thing. Thats a lovely sentiment to espouse, but it comes at a point in Secret Empire when readers have had to watch as Captain America murdered thousands and sent minorities to internment camps.