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Magazines and newsletters. Free In. Design magazine template for general purpose magazines which can easily be customized for different types of magazine layouts. This template consists of 1. Watch Charlie`S Farm Online. Packaged rar file consists of the In. Design CS4 indd file, INX (interchange) file, fonts and link images. This magazine template consists of 2.
A4 (2. 10mm x 2. 97mm) size. It includes master pages in 2 or 3 column layout and character styles. Available in Adobe In. Design CS4 indd and INX format. Free In. Design magazine template in 2. A4 size format. Adobe In.
Design CS4 and CS5 compatible. Free In. Design newsletter template that you can use for either print or electronic format.
Page size is A4 and contains 4 basic pages (front, inside spread, back) with 3- column text. This is a simple newsletter template in 1. Full- color 4- page design. CV / Resume Templates. Three resume design templates and 1 cover letter.
All pages are in standard A4 size format. Files are packaged including indd (CS6), idml (CS5) and fonts used.
Corporate IDA 3- panel type of presentation/corporate design folder with middle pocket and die cuts for a business card holder. The folder is measured 2. This set includes two exclusive In. Design templates for presentation/corporate folders that you can download for free. Designs are generic and contain only easy to modify text and vector graphics (vector files included). This set contains four designs for four different kinds of businesses — an architectural firm, food and beverage company, telecommunications company, and a yoga fitness studio. These designs contain pure vector and text elements.
All letterheads are in letter format sized 8. US size of 3. 5 by 2 inches, while envelopes are in 9.
TV Shows That Recasted Actors. TV shows are becoming ever more complex, with dense mythologies and long cast lists.
It’s got to the point where you have to have the Game of Thrones wiki open on your phone in order to remind yourself of who half the people on screen are. But you know what makes keeping up with a show’s many characters even harder? When they’re not even played by the same actors from one season to the next. Cast changes can happen for a variety of reasons – maybe an actor gets a better paying job elsewhere, maybe they fall out with producers or co- stars, or maybe it’s just decided that they’re not very good at their job. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t make it any less annoying for viewers. Sometimes, however, a show’s production team gets away with a recast; with more minor characters, you may not even notice they’ve changed, or you may be thankful that they’ve finally got someone who can act. Here are fifteen casting changes that producers managed (or didn’t manage) to slip under the radar…1.
Once Upon a Time (Robin Hood)With reality meeting fairy tale in Once Upon a Time’s town of Storybrooke, Maine, it was inevitable that the charming thief Robin Hood would show his face eventually. He first appeared in the show’s second season, played by guest star Tom Ellis. The episode was well received by fans and so the producers decided to bring Robin back into the story in a larger role. Ellis, however, was unavailable to continue the role due to scheduling conflicts, and so the role of Robin Hood was instead taken over by Sean Maguire. This turned out to be quite a lucrative gig for Maguire, as Robin’s appearances became more frequent, and he was even promoted to series regular for the fifth season – by which point most viewers had probably forgotten all about that Tom Ellis version! Family Guy (Meg)It’s easier to get away with recasts when your show is an animation, but a change in voice can still be noticeable. That’s certainly the case with Meg Griffin in Family Guy.
For the first season, broadcast way back in 1. Peter and Lois’ self- conscious teen daughter was voiced by Lacey Chalbert. But Chalbert became busy with her role in Party of Five and being an actual school- going student on the side, so she had to be replaced for the second season. The replacement came along in the form of Mila Kunis, who won the role partly due to her performance on That ‘7. Show. She soon became seen as the definitive Meg, with creator Seth Mac. Farlane finding her a better fit for the character than Chalbert.
In fact, she still voices the character to this day, despite being way past her own teen years! Game of Thrones (Daario Naharis, Tommen, the Mountain…)For a show with so passionate a fanbase and so dense a continuity, it’s a surprise that Game of Thrones has gotten away with recasting several of its characters. To be fair, some of these recasts aren’t that easy to spot. The Mountain, for example, was never that major a character in the first two seasons, and he wore a helmet for much of his screen time, so it didn’t really jar when he was replaced between Seasons 1 and 2 and then again when he showed up for Season 4. Tommen also took Season 3 off, and when the young character returned with a different face, no one really noticed.
But the recasting of Daario Naharis was rather more noticeable. Ed Skrein stepped down after appearing as the dashing swordsman in Season 3, due to having been offered the lead role in The Transporter Refueled (that turned out well for him…), and he was replaced by Michael Huisman from then on.
Interestingly, the new actor went for a totally different look, with shorter hair and some serious beard action. Not a well hidden switch, then. Friends (Carol, Mindy)Ross’s ex- wife Carol, who divorced him after coming out as gay, is a recurring character throughout Friends, but she first appeared way back in the show’s second ever episode, “The One With The Sonogram At The End”. It may come as a surprise to anyone looking back on this episode, however, that it guest stars Anita Barone as Carol.
This is because, from Carol’s second appearance just seven episodes later, she’s played by a different actress – Jane Sibbett. Barone had originally auditioned for one of the lead roles and was unsatisfied with being an occasional guest star, so she left the show in favor of a more full- time gig. Given that Carol ended up appearing in fifteen episodes across the whole run of Friends, and just how popular and often repeated the show turned out to be, Barone may well regret her decision today.
At least she wasn’t the only one to make that mistake – Rachel’s best friend Mindy also changed actors between her first and second appearances, from Jennifer Grey to Jana Marie Hupp. Batman (Catwoman)The sneaky practice of recasting characters dates way back on the small screen. Back in the 1. 96. Batman TV series may have gotten used to Adam West as the Caped Crusader and Burt Ward as Robin, but they had to adjust to not two, but three different incarnations of Catwoman. In the first two seasons, the feline- themed femme fatale was played by Julie Newmar.
However, Newmar was unavailable for either the tie- in film produced after Season 1 or for Season 3. Thankfully, the show was a massive hit at the time, and stars were lining up to replace her. Lee Meriwether donned the catsuit for the film, and singer Eartha Kitt took over the role for the third and final season. The producers actually intended for the Meriwether Catwoman to be the same character as Newmar’s, but for Kitt’s to be a different character altogether. Evidently, their standards allowed for a character to change facial appearance, but not race. Then again, none of this really matters, because as you might expect if you’re familiar with the show, no explanation or backstory is ever given to any of the Catwomen. Mad Men (Bobby Draper… several times)Casting child actors is a minefield.
The Mad Men team struck it lucky when they cast Kiernan Shipka as Don Draper’s daughter Sally; just eight when she started the role, the talented Shipka went on to recur in all seven seasons and build a promising career from it. With Sally’s brother Bobby, they weren’t so lucky.
The role in fact went through four actors, beginning with Maxwell Huckabee in Season 1, who was replaced by Aaron Hart later in the same season. Hart lasted a little longer, being replaced by Jared S. Gilmore in Season 3, and then Mason Vale Cotton took over for Seasons 5 through 7. So what was the reason for this? Were the young actors aging too quickly, or slowly, for the show’s timeline? Difficulty getting on with the rest of the cast?
The answer is more obvious: as co- star John Slattery told one interviewer, “they’ve had about five Bobby Drapers and they can’t seem to find one who doesn’t look straight into the lens.”9. Spartacus (Spartacus)Starz’s historical hit Spartacus was put in serious jeopardy when its lead actor, Andy Whitfield, was diagnosed with cancer between production of the first and second seasons. They put the production on hold and made a prequel miniseries instead, with the intention of Whitfield returning to the show proper once his treatment had been completed.
Unfortunately, Whitfield lost his battle in September 2. It wouldn’t be surprising to see Starz decide to pack it in at that point, but they instead decided to recast, choosing Liam Mc. Intyre to take over the role of the slave rebellion leader.