Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 8

Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 8 Rating: 9,0/10 9633votes

Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 8 Kiss CartoonStar Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 8 Watch SeriesThe show is shifting focus over to Sabine Wen, and its up to her to unite the Mandlorians against the Empire. Hera, Kanan and Fenn Rau believe Sabine can not only gain her familys respect again, but can also convince Mandalore to fight the Empire and join the Rebellion. Cast and crew information, synopsis, and comments. A spark of rebellion ignites in Star Wars Rebels Complete Season One Star Wars Rebels continues the epic tradition of the legendary Star Wars saga with exciting. Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 8 OnlineLets see how that works out. Heres a look at all the action in Legacy of Mandalore. SPOILERS FOLLOWTheres No Place Like Home. The episode starts off Sabine, Ezra, Kanan and Rau on Phantom II, approaching Krownest, a planet her family has a stronghold on. Sabine is convinced that even her mother will not welcome her with open arms, but Rau is not. He believes that Sabines mothers true loyalty lies with Mandalore, not the Empire. Sabine reminds Rau that her mom thinks shes a traitor, but hes still optimistic that she can enlist her familys help. Sabine tries to communicate with the surface, telling a control tower in Mandoa that they are arriving. But just like those nasty Cloud Car pilots on Cloud City, they arent happy and they jam the comms. A group of Mandalorians are in the sky to meet the group. Another Happy Landing. After the title, the Clan Wren commandos start shooting at the Phantom II. The troopers shoot out their thrusters and all Sabine can do is try to crash land the ship without killing anyone aboard. Then, the commandos meet them at the crash site, and an impatient Ezra lights up his lightsaber. The commandos see that hes a Jedi and start firing. But when Ezra mentions Sabines name, the commander has them stop shooting. The commander is Tristan Wren, Sabines brother. She explains that the Jedi are her friends and he leads them to the stronghold. Meanwhile, Chopper heads into the ship, where Rau readies his blaster. On the way to the stronghold, Sabine asks Tristan how he can wear armor with the Imperial insignia. Sabine stops her troops though. Her mother asks what she thought would happen. She reluctantly agrees to let her daughter and her friends in their home, but only if the Jedi give up their lightsabers. Ezra is skeptical, but they agree to give up the lightsabers. Inside, the Wren home, Ursa tells Sabine that the Darksaber isnt going to magically help her unite the Mandalorians. Ursa reminds Sabine and the audience of the current situation within Mandalorian circles. The other families want to destroy Clan Wren because they think Sabine was a traitor for designing a weapon the Empire used against them. Sabine insists that she didnt know how the Empire was planning to use the weapon, but that doesnt matter. Tristan now serves for Gar Saxon just so the Wrens can prove their loyalty. Sabine says Saxon is the real traitor as the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore and a killer. Ursa says that she didnt have much of a choice. She either had to support Saxon or watch Clan Wren be destroyed. She also reveals that Sabines father is alive on Mandalore, but if the Wrens move against the Empire, he will be killed. Sabine still cant understand why Ursa didnt try to find Sabine after she ran off. Sabine, when you ran away, it saved you, she says. Now, shes put herself in danger, her mother reminds her. When the topic turns to the Darksaber, Ursa asks her daughter if she won it from Maul in combat. As we know, thats not the case and Sabine doesnt try to fudge the truth. Her mother said that she has no claim to it. The trick is keeping it, along with your head, Ursa says. Ursa calls Sabine selfish and always putting herself ahead of others, but then Sabine hits right back. She accuses her mother of putting politics and power ahead of family. But Ursa says she does it all to protect the family. Sabine doesnt buy it. Her mother tells her that she is as stubborn as her father. She sees a warrior in her daughter. Sabine says the Rebels numbers are growing each day and Mandalore needs a strong leader. You have to trust me, just like Im trusting you, she tells Ursa as she hands over the Darksaber. Tristan interrupts the conversation to tell his mother that Sundari Mandalores domed capital city is calling. Ursa leaves and Tristann suggests he and Sabine have some sparring practice. They dont know it, but Rau is watching all this from afar. In her conversation with Saxon, Ursa reveals that Sabine has come home. Ursa agrees to give up the Jedi, but she wants to keep her daughter. Clan Wren will be taken care of, Saxon says. When she leaves the room, a trooper tells her that the Jedi want to meet with her. As she leaves, Rau comes into the room to take the lightsabers But a trooper sees him. Rau quickly knocks out the trooper. In the main room, Kanan insists that Ursa start taking her daughter seriously. Ezra butts in and tells Ursa all about the events in Imperial Super Commandos, when Sabine had to fight Saxon. Even he blames her for Clan Wren losing their power, respect and honor. He hopes to restore the familys honor by serving Saxon. Sabine says Saxon cant be trusted, but he doesnt care. He tells her of the plan to trade the Jedi to Saxon in exchange for her safety. Sabine rushes into the main room and sees the blasters focused on the Jedi. Just not to you. Duel on Ice. Ursa also agreed to give Saxon the Darksaber. She tosses it over to him. But, just as Sabine said, Saxon cannot be trusted. He says that, in giving up Jedi to the Empire, Ursa was harboring rebels and is a threat to the Empire. Tristan reminds Saxon that everyone in the room except for Kanan and Ezra are Mandalorians. So, Saxon gives Tristan a choice he can either join him or die with his family. Surprisingly, Tristan draws his blaster and points it at Sabine. But then he turns around to point it at Saxon. The main room erupts into chaos and Saxon sees a chance to kill Ursa with the Darksaber. Ezra tosses his lightsaber over to Sabine, and she uses it to stop Saxon. Watch Camino 4Shared on this page. He grabs Sabine by the waist and launches into the air and through another giant window. The two crash onto the ice sheet in front of the Wren home. This starts a duel between Saxon and Sabine. Ursa stops Ezra from interfering, citing Mandalorian custom. However, she quickly uses the gauntlets Rau gave her to disable Saxons jetpack. The fight gets more heated on the ice and Sabine gets Saxon on his knees. She frees the Darksaber from his hand, but even then, Saxon refuses to yield to Sabine. Not anymore, Sabine says. But as she walks away from him, Saxon pulls out a blaster and fires. No, it was a blast from Ursa, who shot Saxon. No one threatens our family, Ursa tells her daughter. Rau says that, even though Saxon was a traitor, his death will cause chaos. Kanan offers to help the Wrens and Mandalore, but Ursa explains that Mandalore must rise again by itself. Surprisingly, Sabine decides to stay on Mandalore. Rau tells her that she could be the one to lead Mandalore, but she says its not her. The Mandalorians have a lot of work to do to unify themselves against the Empire. We also dont know who Sabine thinks could be a better leader for Mandalore than herself. Hopefully, we find out before the end of the season. Thankfully, we dont have to wait another month for the next new episode, although it doesnt appear to be directly related to Sabines story arc. By the looks of it, Agent Kallus time as Fulcrum might be coming to an end soon. Through Imperial Eyes airs on February 2. Heres the episode description Fearing that the Empire will soon discover the identity of a rebel spy, the Rebels launch a plan to rescue him before his capture. For more Rebels recaps, click below The new episode of Star Wars Rebels turns the shows attention to Sabine, who begins learning to use her Darksaber. Click here to read more. In the new episode of Star Wars Rebels, it is up to Zeb and Chopper to save the Rebel base from an Imperial droid. Click here to read more. Star Wars Rebels returned with a hefty episode featuring Rogue Ones Saw Gerrera. Find out what happened in the hour long midseason premiere. Click here to read more.