Mcmillan And Wife Season 1 Episode 7
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ROGERS/COGECO ANALOG CABLE SUBSCRIBERS: If you have stopped receiving VisionTV, please visit to order a FREE digital adapter that will enable you. One of my all-time-favorite television shows.It was on A+E everyday for years, just before McMillan and Wife. Always enjoyed watching him solve murders and talk.
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- F*** this whole episode I’m here for Lisa and her husbands side nigga!!

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The Original FAQ about Nash Bridges. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about NASH BRIDGES. This section helps newcomers to figure out the relationships between characters, the special meanings of recurring elements (such as why one of the characters wears a black armband), and memorable events or happenings in the ongoing narrative of the series. UESTIONSWhat's the show about? Who are some former SIU characters and other returning characters? What's the beef with Nash's two ex- wives? Does Nash have other family members?
Nash's Black Book - Who's in it? What's the situation with Joe Dominguez? What's so special about Nash's car? What's so special about Nash's gun? What kind of music does Nash like? NSWERSNASH BRIDGES is about the life and cases of Inspector Nash Bridges of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU). Lieutenant Bridges is acting head and boss of the SIU (no permanent leader has been appointed since the departure of Lt.

Currently, SIU headquarters are located on a boat moored at the Hyde Street Pier, San Francisco. SIU cases range widely from burglary to murder, with members going undercover frequently.
An equally important part of the show is the personal relationships of Nash and his occasional off- duty cases with partner Joe Dominguez. Nash's father Nick lives with Nash in his spectacular apartment, and daughter Cassidy (from Nash's first marriage with ex- wife Lisa) lives in her mother's home.
Both ex- wives have left the show (Wife No. Lisa is in Paris, Wife No. Kelly is in England). Partner Joe Dominguez is a close friend and confidant. Joe involves an often reluctant Nash in his off- duty cases which are lucrative but often embarassing (such as when Nash and Joe must pose as a gay couple).
Joe is the second ranking officer in the SIU in terms of experience. Joe has 2. 0 years in the police department, retired briefly as a private investigator, and returned to the SIU. Joe engages in many money- making schemes on his off- time (such as acquiring a gay bar, or marketing his personal recipe for salsa). There are other regular characters in the Special Investigations Unit, ranked in order of their experience and importance: Harvey Leek, a child of the sixties; Harvey is enlightened through his experience in the counterculture.
He is enamored of the Grateful Dead (hence the black armband Harvey continues to wear since the death of Jerry Garcia). Harvey is also technically gifted, being the computer and surveillance expert; Evan Cortez, young and ambitious; he is said to emulate a younger Nash. Evan pursues women with reckless abandon, including his forbidden (by Nash) relationship with Nash's daughter Cassidy. This has gotten Evan in trouble numerous times (such as when a one- night stand steals his badge). Nash, Joe, Harvey, and Evan form the core of the SIU - all are in almost every episode.
The newest member in Season 3 is Michelle Chan, replacing Bryn Carson from Season 2. Michelle is another ambitious rookie, occasionally getting into trouble from over- exuberence (such as getting involved in shooting incidences). Michelle rides a motorcycle, goes undercover, and has lock picking skills. She is a semi- regular - Michelle has had significant storylines involving her cases, though she has appeared in less than half the episodes of Season 3. A prominent feature of the show are the locations and neighborhoods of the San Francisco Bay Area (see our feature photo spread on .
The famous hilly streets and bridges (there are five major ones) of San Francisco are traversed by Nash's bright yellow Barracuda. The surrounding Bay area is also used (especially Oakland: the Season 1 SIU headquarters was housed temporarily in an earthquake damaged domed plaza, supposedly in San Francisco, but it was really the Oakland city hall. By Season 2, SIU moved to the Hyde St. Pier). Back to the questions.
In Season 3, Rick returns as, incredibly, Director of Police Investigations (. A bogus position is created for Rick which he continues to occupy throughout Season 3. Rick manages to force Nash to take vacation time off to try to depose Nash as head of the SIU (. All told, Rick appeared in four episodes of Season 3. There was Nash's boss Lt. Shimamura, pony- tailed and a martial artist, who left in .
Played by the dynamic actor Cary- Hiroyuki Tagawa, Tagawa was featured in the original first season open. The second season open is without Tagawa, and featured a different NB theme song. There was Bryn Carson, tough yet feminine. Carson was more or less a background character in Season 1, and became a regular in Season 2, only to be gone for Season 3. An infrequent gallery of street characters drift in and out of the series. Simone Dubois, (played by Ru. Paul), beautiful leggy transexual, appeared in a memorable Season 1 episode (.
Gangster Ray Getz (played by Louis Mandylor), introduced in Season 2, re- surfaces in Season 3 (. Apparently Nash has goofed big time with Lisa - Lisa blames Nash for missing their anniversaries, boozing and other women. Nash is still fond of Lisa inspite of her anger, and deep down Lisa still loves Nash. They're on again, off again as Nash assumes a bachelor's social life. After two seasons, actress Annette O'Toole as Lisa departed the show.
Lisa's last appearance on NASH BRIDGES was in . An explanation is given for her disappearance in .
By the start of the second season in . Kelly re- surfaces in Season 3 for an episode when she returns from England, only to be pursued by terrorists and not really being married (. Nash's private life is a rollercoaster ride. Nash dates other women in between his on again off again romance with Lisa, the most serious being Whitney, his dad's nurse. Just as things get hot and heavy, it's revealed in .
It appears to be the last of Whitney, as she never appears in Season 3. Back to the questions. Much to the consternation of her parents, Cassidy posed nude for a safe sex poster in . Cassidy has also decided to delay college for a year to work on environmental causes. Father Nash is often upset with his daughter, but he accepts her actions and supports her beliefs. Throughout Season 3, Cassidy does not appear often. She stays in the background (with the exception of .
Cassidy finally agrees to go to college, but she insists on continuing her affair with Evan Cortez. We meet Nash's sister Stacy and father Nick in Episode 4. Bridges is an Assistant District Attorney. It's later revealed that Stacy is a lesbian in . Stacy is an infrequent character in Season 3, finally re- surfacing in the last two episodes of Season 3 for the collapse of father Nick. Nick was a long shoreman for 3.
Nick is a source of affection and great sadness for Nash. Nick has come into money, $3. Nick has bought a race horse with the money in . In Season 3, Nick has memorable moments such as getting arrested in .
The Season 3 cliff hanger is the physical collapse of an emotionally overloaded Nick, who has just found out he is to receive a belated Navy Cross and meeting his long lost love. Season 3 ends with Nick in some sort of coma (after suffering what appears to be a stroke). The newest member of the family is sister- in- law Lynnette (Lisa's sister). Lynnette is free spirited and fun loving.
She lives with Cassidy in Lisa's home with no apparently economic means of support (she does not work). Lynnette is well- traveled and experienced with men. She continully teases Nash, and trouble seems to follow her.
Introduced in . Lynnette teases Nash about kissing him in the . Lynnette and Nick get arrested in . Finally in . Thanks to Joy Margetts for supplying us with additional info. Captain Sandra Mc. Cormick from . Later in her Fort Pacifica office, Sandra dumps Nash, but not before seducing a willing Nash on top of her desk. Dana Traner from . The attraction proves too powerful for Nash to resist, and he ends up staying the night at her apartment.
But the job gets in the way, and just as Nash is about to reveal he's a cop, all hell breaks loose. Watch Stranger Than Paradise Torent Free more. The romance is broken with a offended Dana.