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Al Gore’s New Movie Exposes The Big Flaw In Online Movie Ratings“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” Al Gore’s new documentary, is one of the most interesting films of the year. We don’t mean its content.
The sequel to the Academy Award–winning climate change documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” is a solid movie. But it’s really the film’s online reception that’s intriguing.“An Inconvenient Sequel” is among the most controversial and polarizing titles of the year. Because of the politics surrounding Gore and climate change, the film divides men and women, critics and fans, and even people who saw the movie and people who are just rating it. Watch The Phantom Of The Opera Online Fandango. But the movie’s aggregate rating hides many of those divisions, giving us a perfect case study for understanding a big weakness of online rating systems: separating the controversial from the mediocre. That weakness could discourage ambitious- but- controversial work. To start, look at how weird this chart of the film’s ratings distribution is: In the pantheon of sequels to well- regarded films, “An Inconvenient Sequel” may not be “The Godfather: Part II,” but it’s not exactly “The Godfather: Part III,” either.
I think it’s solid, but that seems beside the point. Gore is a capable documentarian, but he’s also a guy for whom 5. Americans voted and 5.
Americans voted against. Climate change is equally divisive. And those politics are coloring the film’s internet reception.
Of the 2,6. 45 IMDb users who rated the film as of August,2 over 3. Of those same 2,6.
IMDb users, just under 3. In short: 7. 2 percent of people who rated the movie gave it an extreme score, a 1 or a 1. This is a massive abnormality for an IMDb rating distribution. As of mid- August, 1.

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Metacritic score and at least 1,0. IMDb. Here’s a sortable table of all of them. Strong feelings about climate change, emojis and genocide. Most IMDb users loved or hated “An Inconvenient Sequel,” as of Aug. Polarized votes are the combined shares of 1 and 1.
Any differences due to rounding. The polarization score is calculated with a formula from Esteban and Ray; the higher the number, the more bimodal the score distribution is, and the highest possible score is 2.
Source: IMDBSimply looking at which films have the most 1s and 1. IMDb users were on the documentary: Only the universally reviled “The Emoji Movie,” and “The Ottoman Lieutenant,” which stirred up a controversy regarding its handling of the Armenian genocide, have more combined extreme scores. But looking at a specialized metric of polarization. An Inconvenient Sequel” by far the most heavily and evenly split film of 2. The reception to “An Inconvenient Sequel” lays on three major divides: (1) critics vs.
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It’s frankly impressive for a single film to stand astride so many fault lines. But if you’re a casual moviegoer quickly checking IMDb to see if “An Inconvenient Sequel” is worth checking out, you wouldn’t know any of that. You’d think it was just a dumpy movie — the “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo” of climate documentaries.
Fault Line No. 1: Critics vs. The all- too- common critic- versus- fan dance is typically a load of crap. Step No. 1: Some preexisting work of fiction is adapted to the big screen.
Step No. 2: Critics don’t like it. Step No. 3: Fans of the original work get mad at the critics. Usually, the lead in the film will say something like “We made this for the fans” to downplay the terrible reviews, and the film will make $2. Pirates of the Caribbean movie and a Chris Pratt flick. Critics gotta critique, fans gotta buy, stars gotta sell.
Roughly three out of four movies have an IMDb audience rating higher than their Metacritic score, so you’re going to see such tension. But we can’t say for certain how much of that is due to differences in how the two groups judge movies, as opposed to the quirks in the rating systems. Still, let’s take it for granted that, overall, critics are less forgiving than the average moviegoer. An Inconvenient Sequel” lies way on the other side of that spectrum.
When the critics like a movie more than the fans do. Fans tend to rate movies more favorably than critics, but golly, there are exceptions. IMDb ratings, which use a 1. Metacritic’s 1. 00- point scale.
All data as of Aug. Source: IMDBIts Metacritic score is 6. Its IMDb score was 5.
Metacritic’s scale). That’s the second- highest markdown. IMDb raters in the entire 2. And Metacritic is one of the harsher critical aggregations; “An Inconvenient Sequel” has a great 7. Rotten Tomatoes. 5. So while I’m normally skeptical of the critics- versus- fans narrative, it really looks like it exists for “An Inconvenient Sequel” — at least on IMDb — just reversed. The critics thought it was OK- to- fine.
The “fans” rated it subpar. Fault Line No. 2: People who saw it vs.
But here’s why I put fans in scare quotes. We initially began monitoring the IMDb ratings of “An Inconvenient Sequel” on July 1. That hundreds of people were able to draw such strong conclusions about the film 1. July 2. 8 is … odd. By the time the movie was in more than four cinemas on Aug. Ticket sales went from 0 per week to 1.
IMDb score barely budged. Put another way: Despite ticket sales increasing by three orders of magnitude per week, the number of reviewers stayed flat — only about 5. It’s hard to believe that each and every one of those pre- release reviews is bona fide, especially on a politicized film like this. Personally, we would not be surprised to find out that a large percentage of these votes aren’t real. IMDb applies some filters to prevent ballot stuffing but refuses as policy to discuss those measures.
Nonetheless, how did so many people see this film before its wide release? We made efforts to determine whether automated voting bots were used, but the way ratings update on IMDb makes it hard to look for obvious telltale patterns of bot voting.
All told, we think this film’s rating should be viewed with utmost skepticism. Most likely, the film was doomed before it even premiered by people (or bots) who had not seen it. Fault Line No. 3: Men vs. First, it’s mostly men who have rated “An Inconvenient Sequel”: Second, men hate the film way more than women do: So the movie’s IMDb rating is mostly the work of men who feel substantially different about the film than women do.
Which raises the question: Why don’t more review sites do what pollsters do, and adjust their sample to reflect the reality of the world? There are arguments for making the raw data available, yes, but leaving this unadjusted and letting men get 8.
IMDb (or any other online rating site) seems specious given that women make up a majority of moviegoers in the United States. Watch Video Games: The Movie Download. In this case, it seems like the gender gap in opinions on climate change — men are far more skeptical that it’s a problem than women — is affecting views of “An Inconvenient Sequel.”A Failing Grade. The result of boiling down a piece of culture to one single number is that the rating system inevitably simplifies our understanding of the work. Sometimes that’s useful. But let that happen long enough and you’ll set up an incentive for filmmakers to hedge away from the compelling and the controversial. Six 2. 01. 7 films in total had an IMDb rating of 5.
Aug. 1. 6, the day we happened to pull all of this data. In addition to “An Inconvenient Sequel,” there was “Voice from the Stone,” “Once Upon a Time in Venice,” “x. Xx: Return of Xander Cage,” “Phoenix Forgotten” and “Vengeance: A Love Story.”See if you can spot which one is a special case: Say what you will, but in addition to being controversial, “An Inconvenient Sequel” was ambitious: Few films involve Arctic expeditions, inside access to the Paris Climate Conference, interviews with the sitting secretary of state and a globe- trotting look at catastrophic weather conditions.
If ambitious- yet- controversial films are boiled down to a single number that makes them look identical to mediocre films, what incentive does Hollywood have to continue investing in movies that challenge the audience?